The Pathology of U.S. Democracy
By Anthony Gregory
As a libertarian, I see little difference between Obama and Romney. They both favor a perpetual war on terror, an occupation of Afghanistan, military aid to Israel, indefinite detention of terror suspects, military imprisonment outside the bounds of habeas corpus, warrantless wiretapping, the TSA, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the FDA, the war on drugs, gun control, bailouts, Keynesian economics, income taxation, Social Security, Medicare, central banking, subsidies for rich and poor, licensing in industry, public education, employment regulation, agriculture corporatism, tariffs, and a federal budget that amounts to far more than ten thousand dollars for every man, woman, and child in this country.
Obama or Romney: It Matters as much as Choosing Pepsi over Coke
Obama or Romney: It Matters as much as Choosing Pepsi over Coke

US Drone Strikes And Bin Laden’s Killing: Turning Pakistan Into A Time-bomb
US Drone Strikes And Bin Laden’s Killing: Turning Pakistan Into A Time-bomb

The War in Afghanistan: A Monumental Waste
The War in Afghanistan: A Monumental Waste

We have all seen the latest headlines about the war in Afghanistan. As of now more than two thousand American troops are dead. Innumerable others suffered wounds. More deaths and injuries will occur over the next weeks and months as America and the NATO forces wind down and mostly get out of the country by 2014. Many of the latest deaths are “green on blue,” meaning, in case you do not know, so-called friendly Afghan troops and trainees turning their weapons on their American counterparts. These seem to happen daily. Sometimes the killings are by the Taliban, by anti-government sympathizers, or simply disgruntled and ignorant men who object to and do not understand the ethos of those who train them and work alongside them. There is also a fair share of “green on green” killings where Afghans kill each other for a myriad of reasons, including tribe against tribe in a society dominated by tribalism and an inability or desire to move into the 21st Century.

The question simply put is what are we doing in that inhospitable country now that Bin Laden is dead? It should be clear that we are not going to build a nation out of one that never existed and does not now exist in any form.
Global War Economy: The Empire of the US Military Industrial Complex
Global War Economy: The Empire of the US Military Industrial Complex

Arguably, ever since entering World War II, the United States of America’s economy has been a war economy. Starting or fostering wars became essentially, independently of geopolitical reasons, a “good” business proposition. The early 1940s marked the start of the era of systematic wars for profit. War defined as the ultimate capitalist enterprise. The extraordinary war efforts of World War II turned the United States into a giant global arms factory for the war in Europe and in the Pacific. It was even, cynically, credited as the main factor in ending the Great

This trend continued at a slower pace, but without any real interruption, with the Korean war in the early 1950s, the Vietnam war in the 1960s until the early 1970s, and various proxy wars worldwide- including Afghanistan in the 1980s- against the Soviet Union. The event of 9/11/ 2001 gave American politicians the unique opportunity to start the perfect war on behalf of their friends and patrons of the military industrial complex. It is the endless war: the “war on terror” without any geographic boundaries, time frame or even the necessity to have a well defined enemy.

This permanent war business proposition is
Like Steve Jobs, Ben Bernanke Should Think Long-Term. by William Poole
We thought that by now economic growth would be picking up, but the expected sustained recovery has not occurred. In the U.S., employment is growing but far too slowly.
Democrats' Hypocrisy with the Rich. by Richard W. Rahn
Washington's Perilous Power Play. by Ted Galen Carpenter
Rice's boss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, used equally accusatory and inflammatory language later that month. "It is distressing to see two permanent members of the Security Council using their veto while people are being murdered — women, children, brave young men," Clinton fumed. The actions by Beijing and Moscow were "just despicable, and I have to ask whose side are they on? They are clearly not on the side of the Syrian people", she said.
More Fed Bond Buying Won't Let 'Animal Spirits' out of the Cage. by Gerald P. O'Driscoll Jr.
So will he send a signal favorable to "additional monetary accommodation"? Or will he endorse Mr. Bullard's comments?
D’Souza’s Anti-Obama Documentary: If Only It Were True!
Written by Gary North
I went to see 2016: Obama’s America. Dinesh D’Souza wrote, stars in, directed, narrates, and did the original research for it. If we look at this from the point of view of its success as a documentary, I think it is effective. It is making money in theaters. This is amazing for a documentary. It is a campaign year documentary, and it is a good one.It is also dead wrong. That is because it misses the fundamental political fact of the last dozen years: the Obama Administration is the operational successor of the Bush Administration. In Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Guantanamo, on Wall Street, Barack Obama is George W. Bush in blackface. Obama is the star of a twenty-first century minstrel show.
This fact has been deliberately ignored for almost four years by both the neoconservative Right and the grin-and-bear-it Left. Neither side will admit what I regard as the fundamental fact of this documentary. It is a long whitewash of the policies of George W. Bush.
Official: Iran would take action if US attacked Syria
Official: Iran would take action if US attacked Syria
Revolutionary Guard propaganda official says joint military pact of Syria's allies would be implemented in case of 'stupid American attack'
Iran has steadfastly supported Syrian President Bashar Assad in his
Republican Platform Calls for Value-added Tax Scheme
Republican Platform Calls for Value-added Tax Scheme
Kurt Nimmo
The last one is betrayed by the Republican platform.
“The 2012 Republican Platform calls for a